Chasing the Dream: A Business Journal for Visionaries

Do you have clients who feel trapped in their 9-5, feeling like it’s someone else’s dream they are living? They have thoughts about business ideas of their own but are unsure if they can make that happen. Unsure if they can make the commitment, and mor so, if taking such a risk will put money in their bank account. They daydream about it but don’t feel confident, don’t feel safe taking the risk. Do they say they feel stuck! Like time is being wasted and their true talents are not being used?

The good news? It’s possible to change situations. Moves can be made towards something more rewarding. “Chasing The Dream: Business Journal for Visionaries” is designed to help gain the clarity and confidence needed to figure out what to do, what that dream business actually looks like, and start taking tangible steps to get there. The prompts inside this journal will help define that dream business vision, help encourage enough confidence to pursue the dream and help access the infinite wisdom already inside.

Release fear, doubt and indecision and bring that dream business to life!
